Culcita schmideliana
(Retzius, 1805)Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
Culcita schmideliana is most abundant in Dhofar, although some specimens are found in the Capital area, in the Gulf of Oman. The species is characterized by numerous (in Dhofar) and less numerous (in the Sea of Oman) large, black, conical tubercles on the aboral surface of the sea star. They tend to be more abundant on the area that correspond to the radius than on the interradius.
It is possible that the specimen with few tubercles are hybrids between C. novaguineae and C. schmideliana, but only a genetic study should clarify the issue.
It is possible that the specimen with few tubercles are hybrids between C. novaguineae and C. schmideliana, but only a genetic study should clarify the issue.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Distribution

Culcita schmideliana is found in the Indian Ocean, and was described originally from Mauritius but has now been recorded from the Red Sea to Australia.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Ecology and Biology
The two species of Culcita in Oman are similar in overall shape and differ from the "typical" specimen from the Indian Ocean.
Like Acanthaster planci, Culcita spp. feed on corals and other encrusting invertebrates. A third species Culcita coriacea is found in the Red Sea. It is characterized by an almost spherical body shape.
Like Acanthaster planci, Culcita spp. feed on corals and other encrusting invertebrates. A third species Culcita coriacea is found in the Red Sea. It is characterized by an almost spherical body shape.