Mithrodia clavigera
(Lamarck, 1816)Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
Uncommon, Mithrodia clavigera is characterised by a small, almost indistinct disk, surrounded by 5 long, flexible, cylindrical arms and a large number of cylindrical, blunt spines covering the whole surface of the animal. Live, this species is typically pink with with darker patches, often organised in bands around the arms. In some specimens, the polygonal plates of the skeletons are underlined by a marked change in coloration giving the surface of the animal a reticulated aspect.
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The species seem to have a very large distribution in the world, from the East-Indies, the Philippines, Southern Japan, to the African east coast, including the Maldives,.
In Oman, it is observed regularly in the coral communities near Muscat and the Daymaniyat Islands.
In Oman, it is observed regularly in the coral communities near Muscat and the Daymaniyat Islands.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Ecology and Biology
Little information available on this large species.