Luidia maculata
Müller and Troschel, 1842All photographs of this species by Ellie Everard
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Luidia maculata is a large sea star often reaching more than 40 cm in diameter. In the northern Arabian Sea it is characterized by 7 arms (more in other areas of the Indian Ocean). The upper surface is smooth with distinct mottled patterns formed by the arrangement of the paxillae. So far, it was only observed a few times near Bar Al-Hikman and Masirah.
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Luidia maculate has only been observed near Bar Al-Hikman and Masirah. It should however be found in most areas of shallow water soft sediment.
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Like all other Paxillosida, Luidia maculata has finger-shaped tube feet without the characteristic "suckers" found on the tube feet of the other orders of sea stars.
This species is carnivorous, feeding on invertebrates, and somewhat specialized in soft substrates. During the day, it buries itself, sometimes surprised by the low tide. When spawning, this species stands on its "tippy toes" to bring the gonadal opening as high above the sea floor as possible to ensure a good dispersal of the eggs.
This species is carnivorous, feeding on invertebrates, and somewhat specialized in soft substrates. During the day, it buries itself, sometimes surprised by the low tide. When spawning, this species stands on its "tippy toes" to bring the gonadal opening as high above the sea floor as possible to ensure a good dispersal of the eggs.