Monachaster sanders
(Meissner, 1892)Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
An exceptionally beautiful seastar, Monachaster sanderi is characterized by a distinct pentaradial symmetry and a series of very large, lightly colored marginal plates. The diameter of the starfish 7-9 cm.
The aboral surface is covered with regularly arranged tows of plates running parallel to the axis of the arm. The larger plates located near the center of the disk. The madriporite is very distinct.
The aboral surface is covered with regularly arranged tows of plates running parallel to the axis of the arm. The larger plates located near the center of the disk. The madriporite is very distinct.
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Only few specimens were observed so far, all along the shore of Masirah Island. It is however likely present elsewhere along the Arabian Sea shores.
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Specimens were observed between 5 and 20 m in depth, on algal turf.