Holothuria pervicax
Selenka , 1867Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
The holothurian Holothuria pervicax is not a common species in Oman, nor over its geographic range that extends from the central Indo-Pacific to the Mascareign islands in the south. It is a first record for the Northern Arabian Sea and Oman Sea. It is not known to support any commercial fisheries.
This species is typically associated with coral communities in Oman. The bivium (dorsal side) is covered with large conical papillae, ressembling little volcanoes, often ringed with a lighter crown. The trivium is covered with numerous pale and long tubefeet. Coloration is variable but grey-brown with some transversal darker areas is very common.
This species is typically associated with coral communities in Oman. The bivium (dorsal side) is covered with large conical papillae, ressembling little volcanoes, often ringed with a lighter crown. The trivium is covered with numerous pale and long tubefeet. Coloration is variable but grey-brown with some transversal darker areas is very common.
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Holothuria pervicax is uncommon but not rare, but it is extremely well camouflaged.
IUCN status
Data deficient (DD)
Data deficient (DD)
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The thick, translucid Cuvierian tubules are quite characteristic and particularly sticky and resistant. In Oman the species seems restricted to sandy areas within coral communities, elsewhere, the same species has been found in seagrass, large sandy areas. During the day, H. pervicax is nearly always found in small cavities, under colonies of corals, often with other species of Holothuroids..