Holothuria (Microthele) nobilis
(Selenka,1867)Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
Holothuria nobilis is a large sea cucumber shaped like a traditional loaf of bread. It has 4-6 lateral conical extension of the trivium that look superficially like animal teats, hence the common name for this species: black teat fish. It is black, with white "teats", the white patches sometimes extending on the dorsal surface. The tegument is often covered with a sticky mucus in which sands is embedded.
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Holothuria nobilis so far has only been found in a few embayments in Dhofar, where it remains rare.
A second population has been reported from a small bay near Sur, but this sighting has not yet been confirmed.
A second population has been reported from a small bay near Sur, but this sighting has not yet been confirmed.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Ecology and Biology
Holothuria nobilis is a very valuable species on the international trade of "trepang" and has thus been overfished throughout its range, leading to near extension throughout its natural geographical range, it is considered as endangered by the IUCN (IUCN 3.1).