Neoplax ophiodes
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As far as brittle stars are concerned, Neoplax ophiodes is a large species, with the oral disk reaching nearly 3 cm in diameter. The arms carry well developed spines, particularly on the oral side, whereas the disk is relatively smooth. The irregular "star" on the aboral disk is quite chacteristic. The 10 arms shields are almond shaped and cream colored.
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Only a few specimens have been observed in Dhofar, on the East side of Masirah Island and in Bar Al-Hikman.
IUCN status
Data deficient (DD)
Data deficient (DD)
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Like most other ophiuroids, N. ophiodes hides under rocks and rubble, It was found typically between 10 and 15 m. Worldwide, the species can be found in the Indian Ocean, but a few specimens collected in the Queensland in Australia with similar morphology but distinct genetics suggest the existence of a species complex.