Tripneustes gratillai
(Linnaeus, 1758)Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
Tripneustes gratilla is a true herbivorous species. It is quite distinctive with an laternation of darker bands (the ambulacrum with many rows of dark tube feet. The spines are also in 5 interambulacrum and are typically lightly colored. Like several species, T. gratilla is a collector urchin that accumulate drifting seaweed on its aboral surface. This species is edible and sought after in Asia.
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In Oman, the species is relatively common in Dhofar but unusual in the Sea of Oman, probably due to its algal diet. In the World, has a wide distribution in the SW Pacific Ocean and in the Indian Ocean.

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So far, this species has only been commonly found in Dhofar with a few additional observations near Qalhat and Muscat. It is likely that the species follows the development of seaweed. Unlike Toxopneustes pileolus which accumulates hard debris (shells, pieces of corals or pebbles), T. gratilla seems to focus its collection on drifting seaweeds, perhaps as a reserve of food.
Like all edible urchins, only the gonads are consumed and does support a seasonal fisheries in some part of the world. The population in Oman is to sparse to support a viable fishery.
Like all edible urchins, only the gonads are consumed and does support a seasonal fisheries in some part of the world. The population in Oman is to sparse to support a viable fishery.