Salmacis bicolor
L.Agassiz in Agassiz and Desor, 1846Enter the name for this tabbed section: Description
Salmacis bicolor is one of the most colorful sea urchin. Each of its numerous spine has a proximal red-orange part followed by a banded purple and white tip. The 5 ambulacra are well distinct. Often this species uses pieces of seaweed to cover itself.
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In Oman, the species is found in Dhofar but some specimens were observed near Qalhat. In the World, this species seem restricted to the Western side of the Indian Ocean.

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There are several described subspecies found at different location of the Indian Ocean. The covering behavior is also quite characteristic. Although the exact reason of this behavior remains unclear, in this species, the use of algae suggest a feeding behavior, unlike Toxopneustes pileolus which uses stony debris.
So far, this species has only been found in Dhofar and in one deeper reef near Qalhat. It is likely that the species follows the development of seaweed.
So far, this species has only been found in Dhofar and in one deeper reef near Qalhat. It is likely that the species follows the development of seaweed.